Spanking Good Artistry

From very early on in my long and deep interest in erotic discipline I have loved spanking illustrations.  They enable an artist to innovate and capture emotions and moments in a different way to still photographs and films.  I am not saying they are better but they do provide a fascinating visual alternative.  The drawings I have chosen here are some of those that I really like.  I hope you enjoy them too.

And first of all huge respect and thanks to the artists included here: Endart, Barb, Dave Ell, Funbun, Waldo and Paula Meadows.  This is not intended as a mass lift of their work but an example of some really great spanking illustrations in my collection purchased via various websites.  If any of the artists see this and have an issue with re-publication here, please comment and I will rectify anything that causes a problem.



I know this is a very small pic but this is where it all started for me.  At least the realisation that there were others out there who were obsessed with spanking.  I found this book on a train many moons ago.  The drawing on the cover intrigued me  – the position adopted and the spankee looking back aghast at what was befalling her.  There was lots to read as well which was utterly absorbing as it attempted reasonably successfully to cover all aspects of domestic discipline!


A beautiful image from Funbun.  It’s a classic OTK shot from a lovely angle under the right arm of the spanker. I like the inward turn of the toes that gives a sense of vulnerability, and of course the developing rosy hue.  Notice those little lines to show twitching movement around her feet and around his spanking right hand.

Here is a superb illustration from Barb.  It’s another over the knee classic where I can really imagine being in the guy’s position.  What is is really great about artwork is how the artist can take licence to show movement. As with the Funbun drawing above, imaginary lines are illustrated to depict movement.  Rather than a twitching hand, in this case the bold swooshing lines give a superb sense of the speed of the brush’s movement as the lady spanks the naughty boy across her knee.



An artist I have admired for many years is Paula Meadows.  Paula did some very fine work with magazines like Janus and especially Februs back in the day.   I really like the detailed style she employs in her drawing technique.  The overall effect has something reminiscent of old sepia prints for me.  This is a fine illustration of a young lady about to receive the cane in front of a fireplace.  The picture has a homely domestic feeling about it conjuring up a time gone by.


The artist Endart ran a site up until some five or six years ago (perhaps longer).  Many of this artist’s fabulous illustrations still abound across the Internet.  There were a number of drawings depicting spanking machines of various kinds.  Here is just one example but a good one I think.  Whilst there are spanking machines out there in real life, spanking art allows for a certain licence with the laws of physics which takes one deep into the world of fantasy, assuming mechanised spanking is something that grabs your imagination!  I suppose this particular contraption must have some kind of motor inside but the detail is unimportant essentially.  It’s just the delicious anguish of the young lady knowing she has to take all those little paddle strokes!


Miss Svenson has an art and art history background and I know loves spanking art.  Dave Ell of Sammy Simpkins fame has done a number of illustrations for her.  This one is a classic that you will of course have seen as Miss S’s avatar on Twitter.  I love the way Dave harks back to a golden age of comics and their cartoon style characters.  In this beautiful pic a lovely Miss Svenson dishes out a good caning to a very naughty boy.  It could almost be something from the Beano of old (well almost).  Dave tends to show his characters with big eyes which for me accentuates the intensity of the images nicely.


Let’s just take a little diversion with the next couple of drawings.  Both have a sense of the vintage I think.  To me, this first one from Waldo suggests a scene below stairs from a bygone time.  But is it the butler taking a naughty maid in hand or even the young mistress of the house?  Or perhaps it is the master of the house with his young partner?



I really don’t know the artist here.  This picture is either genuinely really vintage with no artist logo or it was removed on the collection site it came from.  Either way my apologies for not citing a source but what a lovely vintage picture.  The hairstyles are from the 1940s or early 1950s as far as I can see.  The scene harks back to an age where an elder sister or mistress of the house might mete out dicipline to younger ladies.  There is a subtle eroticism in this picture which many will appreciate, but very tastefully done I think.


Some more excellent Endart now.  This is another over the knee classic but head on into the face of the lady receiving.  Endart captured expressions  from snatched moments during spankings just right I reckon.  I also love the red blush on both the bottom cheeks and the face cheeks of our spankee.


Here are two more front elevation over the knee drawings.  They exemplify two different approaches.  In the first, Funbun conveys the action with use of a Roy Lichtenstein style impact visual.  I find these most effective in spanking drawings myself; they convey the loud slapping sound into my imagination.  The whooshing lines depicting movement of the spanker’s arm adds to the effect beautifully.

By way of contrast, this Endart picture uses facial expression and a depiction of the point of maximum brush impact to convey the sense of the spanking action.  Some of you will have noticed in comments I have made elsewhere that I quite enjoy seeing ladies spanked in tights.  This pic is such a beautiful example in the drawing medium.  The squash impact of the brush on the poor young lady’s bottom is matched pefectly by her anguished facial grimace as the stinging wooden implement does its work.


Finally, let’s end with a fun little comic strip from wonderful Dave Ell.  This is Dave’s take on a boisterous night bus ride home, which has rather painful consequences for the party goers.  The bus driver appears to be none other than Miss Svenson – clearly on a “busman’s holiday!”  Clearly the noise and roistering has become too much and our strict heroine has pulled over determined to dish out some well-earned discipline to the naughty drunks.  A few spankings later and peace is restored!

Just as it should be.  I hope you enjoy this series of drawings.  Let us know what you think.

With best wishes

Ian London