A dialogue with Amy Carter (Miss Mathews)

Hi Amy, it’s good to see you again. We met up recently with Miss Svenson – a rather red-bottomed ending for me I recall!  But it also gave us the chance to talk about doing a little conversation piece for Wellsmackedblog.  So thank you for setting aside some time to talk about your thoughts on the wonderful world of adult spanking – a subject dear to both our hearts.

Perhaps I might start where a lot of these sorts of conversations often begin and ask about your first adult spanking experiences – either erotic spanking or disciplinary – or in fact both!

My first experience of being spanked was in the back room of the Janus shop in Soho! The chap who ran it was looking for new models for the magazine: he’d seen me working at the Sunset strip theatre round the corner, and wanted to ‘audition’ me to find out if I could take a spanking. I bent over a pile of Janus magazines while he spanked me with his hand. I enjoyed it enormously, as did he, I suspect. I was 19 and stupidly naive, or I might have suggested this audition process was more for his sake than mine! I got the job, modelling for Februs, dressed as an aerobics instructor, then soon afterwards, for Privilege Plus. That was jolly good fun too.


I loved those magazines and many others. They were, of course, a main go-to source for spanking material before the take-off of the internet.  So what was you early work with magazines like Janus and Februs like?  You recently showed me a lovely set of pics in Februs magazine.  What do you recall of the shoot?

I was brand new to modelling. I remember going to a studio in Kings Cross and feeling oddly shy about changing in front of the studio owner, cameraman and other actor, all of whom were male. I was fascinated by all the equipment, and also how they counted out the rhythm of the spanks, so the photographer could capture the impact on the buttocks. It was pure art.

I love it!  I remember they used to love capturing those impact shots in the photo sequences in the mags.

What is it that excites you personally about spanking?  Both physically but also emotionally/psychologically?

I honestly don’t know. I try not to analyse it too much. I just know that I always have my very best ideas when I’m over someone’s knee. It’s absolutely liberating, somehow. It’s like the purest form of meditation. You seem somehow to transcend the corporeal, which is bizarre for something so utterly corporeal. When it’s over I’m always baffled by how aroused I’ve become. It seems to happen despite me. If you spend a fair bit of time inside your own head, as I tend to, it’s the best way to get away from yourself, I find. That’s not much of an answer, is it? But it’s all I’ve got. I think I’m worried if I analyse it too much, it’ll lose its magic!

Far from it, that’s a very interesting if a little unexpected answer. I am very interested that you describe a feeling of liberation. I maybe don’t feel exactly that but I certainly have a feeling of letting go, and afterwards I honestly feel so utterly exhilerated.

You have been spanked on film a fair few times, including Girl Next Door films. So what is going through your head during the actual spanking on film?

It’s only afterwards I find it thrilling. During the actual spanking I’m thinking about the quality of the film, whether my face or bottom is in shot, if I’m making too much noise or not enough, how my legs and bottom look from that angle, how much longer the scene will go on….it’s impossible to lose yourself in the spanking experience while all that is going on. Afterwards, however, I think about it a lot!

I can understand that.  I did a personal custom film with Miss Svenson a year ago and I think I did feel a bit of difference knowing the camera was rolling.  So what constitutes a really good spanking/strapping/caning experience for you from a receiving point of view?

I don’t like to be told I’m a naughty girl. No role-play. I just want to lose myself in the physical sensations and have someone else take charge totally. If I get into the right headspace I can take a fair bit of walloping, and never want it to end!

Of course you have also become well known as a strict disciplinarian? Can we talk a little about what you think about when you are administering strict discipline?

I’m thinking about the person receiving it. I’d like to think I’ve become quite good at reading body language – the little twitches and movements that suggest it’s too hard, not hard enough, needs to be lower, or they’re ready to try a different position. If you’re in a role-play it’s particularly important to remember that, despite the roles you’ve chosen, the receiver is always the one who’s truly in charge. The experience is for them and I want to make it as good as I possibly can. I’m an unusually submissive, caring disciplinarian! That doesn’t work for everyone, but there are plenty who love it. But I don’t want to make myself sound like a saint. I’m also thinking, “cor, what a lovely bottom. I wonder how red and stripy I can make it?” I love bottoms and I love hitting them. I just love spanking and caning. I don’t much care whether I’m giving, receiving or watching, as long as someone is getting it!


I do recognise that in you from a recipient’s point of view.  Perhaps we could just elaborate on this theme a little because it is something I find fascinating within the spanking and punishment situation.

I always think the best disciplinarians are those who can read the needs and limits of a spankee during a punishment without the need for extensive use of so-called ‘safe words’. That isn’t to say that safe adult play should not employ them, it certainly should if that’s what participants all want. But the unspoken signs to me are important to recognise. What do you think?

Absolutely! I’m not against them but I personally never use safe words. I’d like to hope I’m experienced enough to know when the recipient has had enough, or is just play-acting.

Let’s move on to talk about the filmwork at Girl Next Door – tell me about some of the films. I’d love to hear your take on some of your favourites. I mean I can suggest a few of mine in which you feature like Victoria’s Secret, The Rehearsal and Know Your Shakespeare to name just three. But which ones have you enjoyed the most?

I really loved the Rehearsal. That was quite challenging, teaching ballet to an accomplished ballerina (Ariel Anderssen)! I particularly enjoy films with more than one spankee. I’m so greedy! Something about being made to wait your turn, while watching and wincing, is really thrilling. (I’ve forgotten the name, but the one we did at Whipstock grange with Bonnie (Belotti) and Danielle (Hunt), might be my favourite. Everything we did on that shoot seemed to go right, for me at least – I think poor Elsa struggled a bit!)

The dialogue you use and the drama you bring to the scenes really attracts me. I find it both humorous but also most engaging from a dramatic sense, albeit within a genre of filming that is focussed heavily on one thing. Tell us a bit about your drama skills. Do you think about the dialogue a lot before a shoot or is it a spontaneous thing for you?

Thank you! It’s odd, because I can be a bit shy and tongue-tied in real life, but point a camera at me and I suddenly know exactly what to say.


I never think about it beforehand. I know it’ll spring ready-formed from my lips when Ms Svenson shouts “action!” It’s the same during role-play in 1-2-1 sessions. I wish I could live my whole life on film. In fact, sometimes if I’m nervous during social situations I pretend it’s a spanking film, and suddenly I feel perfectly confident and eloquent!

Wow, that’s some interesting advice for the socially nervous. I’m definitely going to try that!  You have what looks to me like a great working relationship as well as friendship with Miss Elsa Svenson. How did the two of you meet?

A mutual client introduced us. He said, “you two should definitely know each other”. And he was so right!

It’s fascinating how relationships start isn’t it!  So what’s it like working on a film shoot with Miss Svenson?

I love working with her. She’s always fully in charge, which I really like. She knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. I’ve worked with

other directors who want my input and ideas, but I much prefer being told what to do: it’s her vision and I respect her artistic choices, and see my function as bringing her ideas to life.  We complement each other perfectly – she’s great at all the technical stuff, where I’m hopeless, and I love showing off on camera. And it’s so much fun. There are very few films where we haven’t collapsed into helpless giggles at some point!

That’s a great working relationship.  If you can’t laugh when you’re working you’re lost in my opinion!  I’ll just bet there will be lots more fun roles and scenarios to look forward to with Miss Mathews. 

Just moving on a little more widely. You are a talented woman whose skills aren’t limited to acting in spanking films. You also write adult erotic literature. Tell me a little about that. I often think in the ever more visual age, the written word can take more of back seat these days. But personally for me it still has a great place in the spanking genre and is part of a long tradition since the early works of the likes of Masoch et al.


Writing is something I have to do. I have so many ideas and scenarios burning away in my head, and the only way to stop them bothering me is to get them on to paper. I love erotic fiction, when it’s done well – don’t talk to me about 50 shades! But The story of O I still read at least once a year. It works on your imagination in a totally different way from films – it’s a slower, more rewarding thrill. The equivalent of a 5 course meal rather than a drive through burger!

I am totally with you regarding 50 shades.  That really misses the point so badly when you think of the range of superb erotic disciplinary writing out there!  Just a couple of last questions to roung up this lovely exchange.

Are there any of the more recent young ladies to join the Bellington films you are itching to discipline (smiles)?

All of them, of course! I want to be in all the films and spank all the ladies. See, greedy.

What would you say to anyone a little nervous about taking the step into adult spanking even though they really really want to?

Oh goodness, do it! You’ll meet some of the most interesting, intelligent people around. You’ll have a blast, and discover so much about yourself. For me spanking is pure escapism – a fantasy world far from everyday life problems and humdrum, somewhere to run when real life gets wearisome. I couldn’t be without it.

Amy, thanks so much for talking with me. It’s been such a pleasure as always and I am sure blog readers will enjoy reading your comments and ideas and appreciate you sharing them with us. I have found what you’ve said fascinating. There are such subtle differences in the way that different adult spanking enthusiasts experience their desires and fantasies within this genre.  And for me those differences make it even more interesting.

Thank you for posing such interesting questions. I’ve really enjoyed thinking about them.